NON RÉSOLU Create a calculated measure depending on two dimensions
I need your help.
I would like to create a calculated measure depending on two dimensions: site and ID
This works in a table by adding the Site and the ID dimensions but when I remove the two dimensions the value of the calculated measure is changing.
I would like to use this calculated measure inside a flow type text.Thank you in advance
Hi @madeleine,
We need more details about your calculated measure
Could you provide a screenshot or the detail of what you need to do ?
Gregory -
Hi Gregory,
I created a calculated measure
Nb jours disponibles
var x = <Capacité(max)>;
var y = <Prévu annuel(max)>;if ( ( x-y ) < 0 ) {
return 0;
} else {
return (x-y);
}the result is 0 , please see screenshot "Nb jours disponibles 1"
when I insert Personne and Site, and add an Overall with aggregation sum the result is ok
If I remove Site and Personne the result is 0
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide,
madalina -
Hi Gregory,
please see the calculated measure and some screenshots.
Bonne journee,